Insurance Defense

Our firm has been retained to defend insured(s) in claims filed against them. Our firm has attorneys who have a history of defending insureds and resolving significant claims against those insureds. Specific requirements associated with defending an insured are understood by our attorneys, such as task based billing requirements, reporting requirements and handling conflict of interest scenarios that can arise. One of the founding members of the firm, Jeromy Brown, has been committed to the defense of insureds, and has been appointed or elected by his peers to serve in key positions in insurance defense organizations such as President of the Oklahoma Association of Defense Counsel, the Oklahoma State Representative to the Defense Research Institute and has been in the Environmental Committee of the International Association of Defense Counsel.

If you are an insurer or independent agent looking for experienced defense counsel, we will be happy to discuss the case with you and determine whether or not our firm will fit the needs for your particular case and company.